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Amazon Brand Registry: Trademark Registration & IP Accelerator Mistakes that can Kill Your Brand

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Amazon Brand Registry

There was a time when resellers ruled the Amazon Marketplace, but today’s Amazon is about brands. Without Brand Registry, you cannot defend your brand or reach your full Amazon potential.

In this episode, Jason and Shannon interview Scott Harders of Fisher Broyles Law Firm about Trademarks, Amazon Brand Registry, and Amazon’s IP Accelerator program that allows brand owners to get trademarks faster (as well as some things to watch out for and avoid).

Scott is funny, knowledgeable, and experienced and is here to break down Trademark Law for us in a way that we can all understand.

“In the US, Canada, and I think almost universally around the world, trademark rights go to the first person to use a mark associated with a particular product whether they filed anything with the USPTO or not.” Scott Harders

Common Mistakes with Trademarks

Trademark rights are established to protect the consuming public and give them confidence that the goods or services that they’re purchasing come from a common source.

One common mistake brand owners make is investing huge amounts of money in a brand without knowing if they can trademark it. We’ve seen so many people take all the time to build a brand, build a website, and get products with their labels, only to realize they can’t get a trademark.

“It’s a bad idea to take all the time to build your brand and build the website and get products with your label on it without knowing if you can get that trademark.” Shannon Roddy

The time, effort, and energy to rebrand or fight for a trademark aren’t worth it.

And a trademark doesn’t have to be identical for your application to be turned down; it just has to be confusingly similar to someone in a hurry.

On Amazon, sellers need a registered trademark to get the benefits of the brand registry, which are increasing by the day.

If you don’t have a registered trademark, you don’t have all of the brand benefits that come along with Amazon Brand Registry.” Jason Boyce

We cannot overstate the importance of doing your trademark the right way for all Amazon sellers. Besides brand registry, it is a valuable asset that will add value to your future exit if you do it right.

If you’ve ever wanted to know all about trademarks and the Amazon brand registry, this is your episode. Tune in!

Some Additional Resources…

✅ Amazon IP Accelerator:

✅  Fisher Broyles Website:

✅ Scott Harders Email: [email protected]

✅ Trademark Search USPTO:

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