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The Mind-Blowing Power of Amazon SEO 

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More than 65% of people searching to buy a product online start at This is a mind-blowing statistic that sums up the power of Amazon SEO. If you are not optimizing your product listing, you are losing big time.

Even for those product searches done on, it is the organic links from Amazon that show on Google’s first page.

You MUST do SEO and listing optimization for your product to be seen.

SEO and search is the only way to be found on Amazon. If you’re not doing search engine optimization, you are losing.

Jason Boyce

In this episode, I am joined by Shannon Roddy for a deep dive into Amazon SEO, Keyword Research, including tools to use, strategies to find and validate your most relevant search terms, as well as best practices and common mistakes.

Laying the Foundation on Amazon

Amazon SEO is the foundation upon which everything else you do is laid. Nothing else you do on Amazon will work if your listing is not optimized for search, including advertising.

It is hard to compete with other sellers if your SEO strategy is weak. Understanding the power of SEO is the first step to successful and happy selling on Amazon.

Amazon SEO is like a 4-lane freeway, where customers are searching for products that they want to buy. Without SEO, you’re just sitting on the side of the road, watching potential sales go by.”

Shannon Roddy

Optimizing your Listing for Amazon SEO

The whole idea behind search engine optimization is to place before customers who are searching for products the relevant listings to increase the chances of them making a purchase. The A9 algorithm powers these searches.

Your goal as a seller is to discover what these keyword terms are, integrate them into your listing for organic search and also advertise for those terms. 

Tune in to this episode, and we share all the knowledge and expertise we use here at Avenue7Media to help sellers rank highly for their products.


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