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Amazon A+ Content

Amazon A+ Content is the best way to showcase your product, tell your brand story, educate your customers, answer common customer questions and cross-sell products on Amazon.

A+ Content – Table of Contents

What is Amazon A+ Content?

Amazon A+ Content, formerly Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is part of a product listing that allows you to create media-rich content using images and text. It is another opportunity for Sellers and Vendors to enhance the shopper’s experience and impact what a potential buyer needs to know about the product before adding it to the cart.

For Sellers, A+ takes the place of the product description on the listing (The product description is still indexed by Amazon, though, and may show up in other areas, so it’s essential to keep it optimized and accurate.)

For Vendors, A+ is shown right below the product description.

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Differentiate your Brand & Product

Taking the time for A+ content creation can differentiate your brand and product from the competition. It is a free opportunity to use media-rich content to sell your product by focusing on the following areas:

• Showcase product benefits

• Explain product features

• Educate the shopper

Take advantage of the graphics modules (which are larger than the primary and alternate images in the listing) to visually “Wow” the shopper, explain the product, and the solution it provides to make their life easier, better, and more enjoyable.


Amazon A+ Content is also an opportunity to cross-sell your product with other products in your brand catalog thanks to a Comparison Chart module. This allows customers to not only make an informed decision regarding which product may be best but also allows you to share compatible products that can be purchased together, increasing your average order value and delivering more value to your customers.

Brand Story

One of the most important things you can do on Amazon to differentiate yourself is to tell your brand story! What is your brand about, and why should the shopper care about your brand? There is now a module dedicated to brand stories where you tell your story in both visual and text form, take shoppers to your brand store, and cross-sell other products within your catalog.

Amazon Enhanced Brand Content

A+ Content was originally launched as “Amazon Enhanced Brand Content” for Amazon Vendors due to its superior content over standard text product descriptions. As Seller Central gained popularity and traction, Amazon eventually rolled it out to Brand Registered Sellers in Seller Central and renamed the content “Amazon A+ Content”. Some help articles and modules still refer to A+ as “Enhanced Brand Content.”

Amazon A+ Content Creation

If you’re a brand registered seller you can start the process of creating A+ content by going to Amazon Advertising – A+ Content Manager in the Seller Central dashboard. From there, select “Start Creating A+ Content” and select “Create Basic” under Enhanced Product Description. Next, name your A+ Content.

There are five steps to adding A+ Content to your product detail page:

  1. Create Content
  2. Apply ASINs
  3. Submit
  4. Approval
  5. Published

Amazon will show you the status of your A+ Content as it goes through the process.

Amazon + Content Language Options

Select the Language you want the A+ Content to display in. The primary options for are English (US) and Spanish (US). This allows you to create multiple language options for a single ASIN based on the language preference selected by the Amazon customer.

Amazon A+ Content Modules

Amazon currently offers 17 modules for standard A+ Content and allows most sellers to add 7 modules in total to create their content. It’s crucial that brand owners select the best modules to increase conversion, answer customer questions, and cross-sell / up-sell their most relevant products. Note that each module can be used more than once and is not limited to a single use.

Once you have selected the modules best for your product, you must fill in the appropriate fields based on the selected module. This may include headline and description text boxes and uploading images and captions.

Ensure that the images you upload meet the required specifications for each section, including the minimum required image size (ie: 300×300 pixels). When you upload an image, you will also be required to add image keywords that describe the image for customers using screen reader applications.

To add new modules, click “Add Module” at the bottom of the page. Once a module is added, you can adjust the order by clicking the “Up” or “Down” arrows in the upper right corner of the module. Click the “X” to remove the module from the A+ Content design.

Amazon A+ Content Preview

The A+ Content Manager offers two tabs: Editor and Preview. You will use the Editor section to build your A+ Content and then use the Preview tab to view what the completed A+ Content will look like on your product detail page.

In the Preview mode, you also have the option of viewing the A+ Content in Desktop or Mobile format to ensure that the content you’re creating is optimized for both a desktop and mobile viewing experience.

To save your work as you progress, be sure to click the “Save as Draft” button at the top. Your A+ Content will remain in draft mode until you submit it for approval.

A+ Content Asset Library

In order to keep track of all of your digital assets for A+ Content, Amazon allows you to Tag A+ assets with keywords or short phrases which you can then search for later using the search bar. In addition, you can search the Asset Library by entering the image name, the tag associated with the asset, as well as sort by last modified or the image name. Keeping your A+ Content and Assets organized is essential to success, especially as your Amazon catalog grows.

Assigning ASIN’s to your A+ Content

Once you have created your A+ Content the next step is to add ASIN’s that the A+ Content will be apple to. A+ Content should ideally be designed for and applied to each ASIN in your catalog, but in some cases can be applied to a Parent ASIN or even an entire catalog depending on the quantity and similarity of SKU’s.

Amazon introduced a Bulk Upload feature allowing sellers to assign A+ Content to thousands of ASIN’s across their entire catalog quickly and easily. Keep in mind that you cannot assign multiple A+ Content pages to the same ASIN. Once you have assigned your ASIN’s you will be able to Submit the A+ Content for Approval.

ASIN Not Eligible for Amazon A+ Content

In some cases, your product ASIN’s may not be correctly enrolled or tied to your brand name. In these cases, Amazon will show your ASIN as “ineligible” and will give you an error message:

[Error Message Box] “You are unable to add content to this ASIN because our system does not recognize this ASIN as part of your brand.”

If you encounter this issue with an ASIN in your catalog, Avenue7Media is able to assist with hourly Amazon Catalog Support to help you resolve this issue.

Amazon A+ Content Examples

Here are some exceptional examples of A+ Content. Click the Link to view the full A+ Content page on Amazon:


Alpha Tech Pets

Tot on the Pot

Premium A+ Content

Amazon Premium A+ Content or A++ takes A+ Content to the next level. Premium A+ Content has video capabilities, high-resolution images, features interactive modules like hot spots and carousels, uses much more of the available screen, and includes a larger number of available modules.

Initially Premium A+ Content was available only to vendors who had paid to gain access to the service (about $250k-500k per product), but Amazon is currently making it available to sellers who meet the following requirements:

• All ASINs are featured in published Brand Stories

• A minimum of 15 A+ contents published in the last 12 months

As of Jan 2023, we do not know when this promotional period will end.

What does A+ Content do for my listing?

Increase Your Conversion Rate

A+ can make your listing stand out by making a strong first impression, easy to skim, and most importantly, can increase your Amazon conversion rate.

According to Amazon, an A+ can increase conversion between 3-10%. However, it is difficult to link this data directly and exclusively to A+ to support this. But, it is true that a thoroughly optimized listing, including A+ content, can have a much larger impact on conversion rates than titles, bullets, and images alone.

Ranking and SEO

Use SEO best practices within the A+ content text modules and image’s meta description (alt text) to facilitate Google’s organic ranking of your product listing. The easier it is for shoppers to find your product, the higher likelihood of clicks, sales, and reviews. The more activity on your listing, the higher its relevance, placing it higher on Google searches. Well-designed A+ content has a positive effect on the listing’s organic ranking. Both Amazon and Google currently index A+ Content.

Improve Mobile Experience

Mobile shoppers benefit from A+ Content as well as it appears right after the product images. Keep in mind that the listing’s bullets are only partially visible, whereas the A+ will appear in its entirety. In addition, A+ Content is being featured heavily on mobile, often showing up above the product features making it a vital component of the customer journey.

Build Shopper Trust

Shoppers are more likely to continue their shopping journey on listings with A+ content than on those with skeleton listings. Having a built-out listing and A+ tells the shopper the brand has spent time and energy on the product, making it more trustworthy and less likely to be a counterfeit or a cheap imitation.

The use of consistent branding across all content creation on Amazon is essential. Ensure your brand presence and make it recognizable. As a brand, you have the opportunity to create a direct connection with the Amazon shopper. Establishing that relationship can increase the average order value, the chance of repeat purchases, and a higher lifetime value.

Who Can Create A+ Content?

A+ Content is available to all Vendors and Sellers with Brand Registry, or sellers participating in Amazon’s Launchpad Program.

Amazon A+ Content Cost

Amazon A+ content is free for vendors and registered brand sellers to publish.

Amazon Premium A+ content has historically come at a steep cost for vendors but is currently available without an additional cost to qualified sellers. The real investment comes from the time and resources required to assemble assets, utilize the best modules and create the copy and graphics that makeup quality A+ content designed to convert shoppers into customers.


As of Jan 2, 2023.


Amazon A+ Content Guidelines

Amazon is meticulous about what content and content types are published on its platform. Always abide by Amazon’s A+ Content Guidelines. Amazon has content restrictions designed to create a consistent shopping experience and protect customers and goes through a combination of an automated and manual review process. A+ content must also meet Amazon’s community guidelines. A+ content that does not meet guidelines can be rejected. Changes in community guidelines can cause existing A+ content to be taken down or to show incorrectly. This can hurt the product’s conversion rate and your listing.

Summary of A+ Content Guidelines

Avoid blurry images or using images that are too zoomed out or too zoomed in, making it difficult to understand what is being seen.

Use correct spelling and proper grammar.

Be wary of making unsubstantiated claims or using prohibited keywords.

Claims must be substantiated within the A+ Content (referencing studies, tests, etc), and you must have the documentation to prove each claim. Remember that some content is allowed on other parts of your Amazon listing that is not permitted in the A+ Content.

Content can be approved in minutes or in some cases, take up to 15 business days based on Amazon’s backlog. New sellers or brands with sensitive products may find their A+ content takes up to 2 weeks to be approved and published by Amazon.

Amazon A+ Content Best Practices

Build for mobile but keep it splashy and attractive for desktop. Keep text to a minimum, both in text modules and graphics. The font size on graphics should be large enough to be easily read on mobile devices. Know that the largest and the smallest modules will appear to be the same size on mobile.

Focus on the product and brand’s Unique Selling Propositions.

Consider the product’s reviews and Q&A; mine these areas for ideas and to answer any common questions shoppers may have.

Use consistent branding. Your brand’s guidelines should be followed in all content creation, including A+. Consistent branding builds consumer trust and creates brand recognition, which helps to encourage brand loyalty.

Understand that each module has its purpose. All the available modules in the A+ console provide opportunities and solutions to showcase your product accordingly. Not all modules need to be used for each listing. Strategically utilize the modules that are best able to convey your product in the best possible light.

Avenue7Media is proud to offer comprehensive listing optimization and creation including A+ Content and Premium A+ Content as part of our Amazon Account Management Services.

Need Help With Amazon A+ Content?

Looking to get your Amazon Listing Reinstated, but still have questions. Fill out the form below.  If you need help getting your ASIN Reinstated, fill out the form above.

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