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Amazon ASIN Reinstatement

It’s the dreaded fear among Amazon sellers, you wake up one morning to discover your top-selling Amazon ASIN has been suspended. But don’t worry, if you’re facing an ASIN Suspension, Avenue7Media® is here to assist you with your Amazon ASIN reinstatement. We know how incredibly stressful listing suspensions are and our capable and experienced team is standing by to help guide you through the process. 

Step 1

Book a Discovery Call and lets go over the details.  

Step 2

Purchase your desired ASIN Reinstatement service.

Step 3

Get reinstated & revamp to avoid any future issues.

Why Did My ASIN Get Suspended

There’s a variety of reasons why an ASIN may get suspended, but it typically happens by one of two means: a complaint or series of complaints by a consumer, or an algorithmic Amazon bot sweeping the platform for potential issues. Either way, it can prove to be an overwhelming challenge for brands resulting in thousands in lost revenue, and the complexity of writing an Amazon ASIN appeal has only grown over time.

At Avenue7Media, many of our team members come directly from Amazon Compliance which uniquely positions us to be able to help you resolve ASIN suspension and reinstatement issues. We understand the internal processes used to evaluate appeals and know exactly how to draft a plan of action that Amazon will understand and consider. During the Amazon listing reinstatement process you always receive our honest assessment at every point along the way as we help guide you to take the correct steps toward reinstatement.

Our goal as seller focused reinstatement experts is to help you turn a suspension crisis into a growth opportunity. Our unique depth of Amazon experience enables us to understand how to help you fix the root cause of any ASIN suspension and prevent future listing suspensions, allowing you to continue growing your sales.

Amazon ASIN Suspension

If you have received a notification from Amazon or discovered that one of your ASINs has been suspended, it is critical that your next steps are the right ones. Many brand owners and sellers default to a hastily written emotional appeal, stating that the suspension is inaccurate or unjustified, which only further delays your chances and ability to get reinstated quickly.

Instead, it is essential that sellers have a thorough understanding of why their Amazon listing suspension occurred in the first place. Next they must take the appropriate steps to write an appeal (known in the industry as a “plan of action” or “POA”). Lastly, they must submit the required information and documentation to Amazon in a timely manner and in a way that Amazon is most likely to respond and issue a swift ASIN reinstatement.

That is why our team begins by performing a comprehensive analysis or “deep dive” into the listing, so that we can get a clear picture and understanding of the root cause, allowing us to equip you with the valuable information required to submit your appeal. This critical step empowers you to proactively manage your account, avoiding unnecessary loss of sales and potential ASIN suspension in the future.

There are a few ways that Amazon may penalize an ASIN if it has been suspended. The most common ways are a Blocked ASIN, an Inactive ASIN or having your Product Detail Page Removed. Amazon may notify you of the suspension through a Performance Notification, but at times Amazon may provide you with little to no warning or notification at all.

Book A Discovery Call

If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy ASIN Reinstatement Service, Avenue7Media’s team of reinstatement specialists are able to assist you. If your ASIN is suspended and you’re losing daily sales, now is the time to get expert help.

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Root Causes of ASIN Suspensions

The root causes of an ASIN suspension can vary widely and each scenario requires a unique approach to resolve. Primary reasons typically have to do with ensuring customer safety and satisfaction: is the product safe, and is it what the customer expected to receive when they ordered it?

The majority of listing suspensions boil down to a few things: compliance issues, quality issues, and IP infringement.


By far one of the most common issues we see is when customers complain that there is a safety problem with the product, and Amazon requires you to show documentation proving that the product is labeled correctly, has been tested properly, in order to ensure that it was customer error, not the product itself.


If you’re selling something that you are not authorized to sell, or presenting something in such a way that you’re using another company’s intellectual property without permission, the suspension would be a result of a complaint from the rights holder. It’s essential to resolve these quickly as failing to do so could put your entire account at risk of suspension.


Are you consistently receiving returns due to the product not being as expected by the customer? Has it injured someone? It’s got quality issues. Amazon uses terms like “used sold as new”, inauthentic, expired, safety incident or material difference to describe these types of problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon is very litigation cautious, and when letters come from lawyers, or lawyers get involved, the results can be a lot less than hoped for. Amazon responds better to people who use the right words in the right format, based on the SOPs that exist for those teams.

Lawyers come in handy though when you’re trying to boot hijackers off your listings, or respond to an IP infringement complaint from another company.

$1,500 for standard ASIN Reinstatement with a typical turnaround time of 3-5 days for an appeal or plan of action. $4,000 for expedited ASIN Reinstatement with a 24-hour turnaround time. If your suspension involves a product safety issue the cost is $3,000.

If you’re ready to get started you can simply pay for the reinstatement and we’ll get started on your case. If you have questions regarding your situation you can fill out the form to request an initial discovery call where we would be happy to discuss our capabilities and your case with you. Keep in mind that there are very few cases that are unique: either one of our team members helped to write the rules at Amazon, or we’ve worked on several similar cases to yours before.

No, we provide you with a unique email address to invite to your account in order to create a secondary account with limited access. We NEVER ask for or want your primary login or password.

No, we provide you with a unique email address to invite to your account in order to create a secondary account with limited access. We NEVER ask for or want your primary login or password.

Yes, we do. Please fill out the form to discuss the particulars of your situation.

The first step to ASIN reinstatement begins with scraping the account to identify the root cause OR CAUSES for an ASIN suspension. Understanding the root cause of suspension is crucial to reinstate your ASIN successfully. Amazon typically suspends ASINs for a variety of reasons, including policy violation, performance issues, catalog issues, and many others. After the cause has been identified, you need to develop a Plan of Action (POA) which states: (1) the issue that led to suspension, (2) countermeasures to resolve said issue, and (3) how you plan to prevent the issue from occurring again. After the POA has been developed, it must be submitted to Amazon via Seller Central.

Amazon may restrict a listing for a variety of reasons including internal policy violation, performance issues, catalog issues, and even legal issues. The reason why Amazon may flag or restrict a listing is to ensure that the product is not illegal or prohibited, and that it is ultimately safe for consumer use.

A: We do not offer refunds for reinstatement. We offer professional service but at times there are issues outside of our control including product safety which falls on the responsibility of the manufacturer or brand owner. While we understand Amazon well, we cannot guarantee their responsiveness or willingness to accept a request for reinstatement or accurately predict the outcome of every case.

Yes. Because Amazon is rarely clear about what they’re asking for it’s common for sellers to fail to provide Amazon with what they really need to reinstate you. We’re extremely good at finding those hidden requirements and communicating them to Amazon. It’s common that we’ll often find things that you missed inadvertently.


Typically we will provide you with a draft plan of action to discuss within 3-5 business days of signup. If a case is more complex it can take longer. It’s important that every response is prepared thoroughly and accurately in order to improve your chances of reinstatement, particularly if you were already blocked. Expedited responses promise a plan within 24 hours.

While it’s possible to write your own appeal and get an ASIN reinstated, the complexity of communicating with Amazon and providing exactly what they need in the format their looking for is best handled by someone with experience. 

Jeff doesn’t actually read the “Jeff” emails. Instead, his army of assistants review them and sends them on to the correct teams. All it does is get another eye on your appeal but without the proper documentation and support, these are unlikely to increase your chances of success if your plan of action is insufficient.

Yes we do. Once you have paid for expedited reinstatement, we’ll get a plan to you within 24 hours.

To activate an inactive listing, you first need it to be reinstated. After your listing has been reinstated, you need to ensure that all elements of the listing are in line with Amazon’s policies. Although you may obtain an approval to continue to sell from the Seller Performance Team, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve resolved every key area which can block you from getting your listing available to customers. Need Support? Contact us.

A restricted item on Amazon refers to an item that either: has been prohibited for sale by Amazon, or requires approval before it can be listed.

An ASIN level Suppression means that the ASIN and all its SKUs offered under a specific ASIN have been removed and made unavailable on the platform. You are not able to search, view and/or purchase suppressed listing(s). However, it’s important to note that there are different levels of ASIN suppression, so in some cases an ASIN may only be search suppressed, but still available for purchase if a customer clicked on an affiliate link directly to the product or had it saved in their cart or list.

ASINs can be suppressed for many reasons. Understanding possible underlying root causes such as incorrect product classification, product safety, platform policy violations, and/or regulatory compliance requirements, is the first step in resolving your suppressed ASIN. In some cases, lesser levels of suppression can result from product listings that don’t meet Amazon’s policies such as titles that exceed max length or a category or a primary product image that doesn’t fit Amazon requirements.

ASIN hijacking occurs when an unscrupulous seller creates an offer on an existing ASIN unrelated to their product (typically one that has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale) and attempt to take control of and update the product detail page to showcase their product, and capitalize on the existing product ratings and reviews. This practice violates Amazon’s TOS and is often revealed by reviews that have no association with the product being sold. This can also happen to active listings which can create significant customer confusion.

Listings are suppressed for a multitude of reasons, including incorrect product classification, product safety, platform policy violations, and/or regulatory compliance requirements. To fix a suppressed listing, you’ll need to first identify the specific reason for the suppression by checking the notification from Amazon or reviewing the Account Health Dashboard. Once identified, take corrective actions such as updating the product classification to the correct category, ensuring all product information meets safety and compliance standards, and correcting any policy violations. After making the necessary adjustments, you can submit the listing for review through Amazon Seller Central.

Book A Discovery Call

If you need help getting your ASIN reinstated, fill out the form above. If you’re interested in other non-reinstatement services or have general questions, fill out the form below.

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