Amazon Seller Data: Increased Access: Bloomberg

Amazon Seller Data: Increased Access: Bloomberg

You heard it here first. Jason asks Amazon to give Sellers more data, and now it’s happening. In April of 2019, in a Bloomberg television interview, Jason was asked about Amazon’s aggressive expansion of its private-label brands. When asked what Jeff Bezos...
Supply Chain Issues Continue to Cause Delays

Supply Chain Issues Continue to Cause Delays

CEO, Jason Boyce, weighs in on ongoing supply chain issues. “Typically seven to 10 days, worst-case scenario, and then it just parks,” Boyce said. “It’s just sitting, anchored at the port until somebody, a crane operator, and a truck trailer...

Amazon Shipping Non-Amazon Orders: CNBC

Founder & CEO, Jason Boyce contributes to this 15 min overview of Amazon and it’s on a spending spree to grow its fleet of planes, vans, semi-trucks, and drivers in its latest move to compete with FedEx and UPS. Now, it’s using the added capacity to move...